Under one of government’s initiative “Planting for Export and Rural Development” (P.E.R.D), which has the objective to decentralize national tree cropping programme to promote rural and economic incomes of rural farmers, enhance foreign exchange-earning capacity and generate jobs, Bosomtwe District assembly undertook an activity to distribute its certified selected improved seedlings which is palm and coconut to farmers in its communities.
On Thursday 2nd July 2020, the District Chief Executive of Bosomtwe addressed farmers from various communities in the district in a gathering at the forecourt of the District Agriculture office. In his speech he hinted that 50,000 palm seedlings will be distributed freely to farmers in the district the year 2020 of which the assembly will commence with 20,000 palm seedlings as a starter.
Further in his speech, he said the assembly has made available some farming materials like chemicals, fuel, fungal care etc. to farmers in the district which is to equip and aid them undertake their farming activities with ease. He also urged farmers and people gathered to keep on observing measures adapted by the government to combat Covid-19.
Closing his speech, Hon. J. K. Assuming entreated beneficiary farmers to put into good use the seedlings given them. He continued taskforce would be sent to monitor activities of beneficiary farmers on regular bases to ascertain good use of the seedlings.