National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) in the Bosomtwe District on 9th November donated relief items which includes bags of rice, blankets, oil, mosquito nets and many others to victims of disaster in the Bosomtwe District at forecourt of the District Assembly.
Mr. Yaw Achaempong the District NADMO Cordinator in his welcome address emphasized that the District was faced with a lot of flooding issues within the year with the biggest of them happening at Esereso Adagya which claimed six lives.
He said the core duty of NADMO is to prevent disasters but not sharing of relief items to victims of disasters. He advised everyone to desist from building along waterways which is a major cause of floods in the country.
DSP Isaac Obo-Takyi the District Police Commander advised that patience is key in disaster management. He also emphasized that each and every one should value his own personal security than depending on the security services like Police, Fire and Army to come and protect them.
STNO 1 , Addo Korang the District Fire Commander advised everyone to desist from the use of candles which is the cause of major fire outbreaks within the country. He also advised that we will be entering the harmattan season very soon so people should be very mindful of the way the use fire because it spark an outbreak.
Hon. J.K. Assuming Esq. the District Chief Executive expressed his condolences to families that lost their relatives through disaster in the District within the year. He advised everyone to purchase lands during the rainy season because it will give them a clear indication of the nature of land they are going to purchase.
Hon. Assuming also emphasized that most disasters within the District are self-inflicted which is easily avoidable. He advised that land is a life-long property so you have to do due diligent before acquiring a land. You have to make sure that the land you are acquiring is demarcated for residential building on the layout of the community.
About twelve (12) persons got the opportunity to ask questions bordering them. These questions were basically on issues from their communities such as the nature of roads in the district, drainage system, sanitation, collection of monies from individuals before they get certain documents from the assembly, access roads, street lights, and bridges.
The D.C.E found time to answer all their questions.
On the collection of monies from individuals by departments at the District Assembly, He said all monies that they pay to acquire certain documents, they should make sure that they are given receipts, if not they should come and report it to him in his office.
On bridges, he said work on the road from Atonsu to Abono will start very soon and they will construct any spoilt bridge on that road but the one at Sewuah, they are creating a diversion from Living waters to Esereso Divine Clinic so that the road will be blocked to prevent anyone from passing there to prevent any accident happening.
On the drainage system, he said they will dredge all chocked gutters at the beginning of next year and also advised all citizens to desist from throwing refuse into gutters.
On the road, he said it have been given to contract and all documentation have been done but he cannot tell the exact date construction will begin on the road.
On street light he emphasized that all communities that lacks street lights will be given whenever some are in.
On Access roads, he said the Assembly’s caterpillar is spoilt, so when it is repaired rehabilitation works will begin on all community roads in the district. He said they are also going to demolish all structures that is blocking access roads in certain communities.