On Wednesday, 24th August, 2022 the Bosomtwe District Assembly-Kuntanase was visited by their Reginal Environmental Health Officer on a working visit, to supervise their activities and also to educate the Environmental Officers on Food Hygiene and Food Safety. The programme started with a welcome address from AD IIB Mr. Oduro who represented the District Coordinating Director. The Reginal Environmental Health Officer (REHO), Mr. Don Awantungo introduced himself and gave other officers the opportunity to introduced themselves as and when they contribute. Mr. Don Awantungo, the REHO, took members present through food hygiene and food safety. The REHO ended by advising the environmental health officers not to buy from those who handle food badly.

Mr. Alex Nimako, an officer with the REHO also spoke on blown canned foods. Mr. Nimako ended by talking about food expiry and advised that officers should intensify the rate at which they checked products for their expiry on the market to help curb the occurrence of food poisoning.

Mad. Esther Fiawotor took over from Mr. Nimako and touched on the standard of food eating premises in the district. She finished by lamenting on food eating premise operators obtaining a suitability report and license to operate and that officers must ensure the periodic inspection of these eating premises at least once every week.

The officers present were then given the opportunity to ask questions, make suggestions and raise their concerns.