Based on the 2020 Performance Contract signed between the District Chief Executive of the Bosomtwe District Assembly Hon. Lawyer Joseph Kwasi Asuming and the District Coordinating Director Mrs. Agartha Ahia on behalf of the District Assembly.

On Monday, 15th March 2021, a two-member delegation from the Office of the Head of Local Government Service (OHLGS) came to assess the assembly on the Contract signed.

The following were the key performance areas of the assessment; Social Services, General Administration, Financial Management and Reporting, Environment and Sanitation, Economic Development, Infrastructure and Human Resource (HR) Management.

The two-member delegation were made up of Mr. Peter Essaim Asante, a Director of Human Resource at the Office of the Head of Local Government Service (OHLGS) and Mrs. Lutfata Mohaideen, a Principal Internal Auditor also at the Office of the Head of Local Government Service (OHLGS).

During both an opening and closing meetings held on the same day at the District Assembly’s Conference hall the Assessors commended all the various heads of department/unit on their excellent work done as far as the 2020 Performance Contract was concerned and also advised them to be more professional in their daily work activities.

The various heads of department/unit also had the opportunity to ask the assessors questions concerning the staff development, promotions, honorarium to all staff members and many more.

Results of the assessment when obtained will be made available at the District’s Right to Information office.