The Bosomtwe District Assembly has taken it upon itself to sensitize communities on Teenage Pregnancy which is becoming alarming in the District. Through the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development in-collaboration with the Ghana Health Service (Kuntenase) organized themselves to sensitize all public schools within the District on the causes, effects and prevention of Teenage Pregnancy with the first session taking place at Pipie, Nkowi, Obbo and Abono D/A Junior High Schools on the 22nd of February, 2022.

The following facilitators helped in making the programme a success; Mrs. Helena Bediako - Assistant Social Development Officer, Mr. Sampson Osei-Yeboah    - Social Development Officer, Mr. Emmanuel Osei Senior - Senior Mass Education Officer, Miss Janet Serwaa - Ghana Health Service Public Health Nurse, Miss Constance - Ghana Health Service, Public Health Nurse.

Teenage Pregnancy was defined and well demonstrated by the health officers. According to them, Teenage Pregnancy, also known as adolescent Pregnancy is pregnancy in a female under the age of twenty, According to World Health Organization. Pregnancy can occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first menstrual period but usually occurs after the onset of period.

They recommend that Several Health’s talk should be organized continuously in and around all the communities in the Bosomtwe District. The education should reach out to the parents in the entire communities. they again recommend that Nananom, Unity Committee Members and the Assembly members should work hand in hand with the teachers to organise such programmes on timely bases. Also, the communities should also have a scholarship programme for the girl child to serve as a motivational factor for them to study hard.