The District Planning Coordinating Unit (DPCU) convened its third quarter meeting on Thursday, September 14th, 2023, at the District Assembly Conference Hall. The meeting commenced at 9:00 am with the reading and approval of the minutes from the previous DPCU meeting, a comprehensive presentation of the reviewed 2023 Composite Annual Action Plan (CAAP), the presentation and subsequent discussion of the draft 2024 Composite Annual Action Plan and open forum was provided for participants to raise any additional matters or concerns not covered by the agenda. Several topics were discussed, including resource allocation, project timelines, and community engagement initiatives. The meeting invited the District Coordinating Director, the District Planning Coordinating Unit, Convenor of the Committee and all Heads of Departments and Units.
The third quarter DPCU meeting was a productive and collaborative session. The presentation and discussion of both the reviewed 2023 CAAP and the draft 2024 CAAP demonstrated a commitment to evidence-based planning and the continuous improvement of our district's development initiatives.
The DPCU remains dedicated to fostering collaboration and transparency in their district's planning efforts. The committee subsequently extend their gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions.