The Local Government Act 936(2016) establishes the District Assembly as the Planning Authority responsible for formulating project conception and implementation towards the overall development of their respective areas.
In line with this mandate, a four-year District Medium Term Development Plan (DMTDP 2018-2022) under the “National Medium Term Development Policy Framework (NMTDPF)- agenda for Jobs: creating Prosperity and Equal opportunities for all” has been prepared by the Assembly which is in the third year of implementation.
The Act also enjoins the Assembly to conduct periodic and systematic review of the development programmes and projects.
In view of this the management of the Bosomtwe District Assembly (BDA) on Tuesday, 18th August 2020 at the District Assembly Conference Hall had a Mid-year review to assess the Assembly’s performance in the implementation of programmes and projects for the first half of the year and also make informed decisions ahead of the 2021 planning period.
Members at the meeting were; Hon. Joseph K. Asuming ESQ (District Chief Executive), Agartha Ahia (District Coordinating Director) and the various Head of Departments/Units/Directorates in the District.
More details of the meeting can be obtained at the District Information Service Department.