Borehole Commissioning

On Sunday, 4th June, 2019 at Abono a suburb of Kuntanse had a ceremony to commission a borehole, bath and toilet at a chip compound of the community.

Nana Antwi Boasiako, Abonohene and Nifahene of Kuntanse welcomed the entourage from the District Assembly which included; the D.C.E, Hon. J. K Asuming , the D.C.D, Madam Agartha Ahia , Planning officer, Mr. Amofa, Assistant Director, Nat Cheremeh, Mr. Nyame , District Engineer, Madam Sarah Abugati, Health Directorate and Mary Turkson, Information service.

Nana Antwi Boasiako, Abonohene in his welcome speech expressed how happy he was for the D.C.E to have come to their aid when they notified him about the problem facing the chip compound. The chip compound according to him has been there since former president Koffour’s time and there was no toilet, bath and water which makes the place not complete and conducive. They draw the attention of the D.C.E and in a haste he came to their aid and today we have to commission the facilities. Now the people of Abono and the neibouring communities that receive medical care from that chip compound can come to the place and be happy.

Again, Nana, in a form of a humble request said, he wished the chip compound would be upgraded from its state now to a health center because the place serves twenty four (24) communities around the lake. He also expressed how enthused he was about the road construction too saying, “now people will come from all sectors and places to the lake side that will increase our revenue. Therefore the D.C.E should ensure that the surroundings are well kept”.

Also to his people of Abono, he advised them to take good care of the place. They should not stay home when they are sick, quickly attend to the place for health care. Nana again requested for some bags of cement to help them build a wall at the back of the toilet to check erosion.

 The midwife of the chip compound, Miss Owusu ceased the opportunity to put in her request saying; they needed a car once in a month for an outreache program into the villages to immunes the children since some of them are not brought to the health center for immunization. Also the maternity ward is in bad state which needed immediate attention in terms of floor, beds, mattresses surroundings and others needed materials to ensure women are save at delivering.

In the D.C.E’s remarks, he was happy to have celebrated Akwasidea with Nananom of Abono and commission the water, toilet and bath facility at the chip compound. He said Nana informed him about the urgent attention needed at the chip compound and he is happy today the assembly has been able to fulfill the request and today giving it to the community.

He responded the Nana’s request that, he place should be upgraded from the position of a chip compound to a health center will be considered and what to be done will to upgrade the place at the right time.

To the midwife, the D.C.E assured them of the car however he advised to write formally to assembly with the needed itinerary for the assembly to release the Van for the outreached.

The D.C.E informed the community about the road network that from Ahensan to Abijan Nkwanta to Abono will be a single lane but asphalt. He assured them of conducive environment saying he would liaise with the highway Authority to ensure they clear the bushes along the road. He tasked the people of Abono to desist from washing into the lake and ensure safety and attraction to foreigners. In the nut shell, the facility was commissioned and handed over to the community for usage.
