Pursuant to section 9(1b) of the Ghana AIDS Commissions Act 2016, Act 938, the Government Board of the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC) under the chairmanship of H.E the President of the Republic of Ghana Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffu Addo, directed Regional  Committees of the Ghana AIDS Commission to inaugurate and swear in members of the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Committees in the Region

The Ashanti Regional GAC Committee chaired by the Honourable Regional Minister, scheduled for the inauguration of all Committees of the GAC in the region within the 4th quarter which Bosomtwe District Assembly was scheduled on the Tuesday, 2nd November, 2021 and was held at the District Assembly Conference Hall. All MMDAs was to;

  1. Ensure that membership of the Committees confirm to section 9(3) of Act 938.
  2. All MMDCEs who were to chair the Committees on behalf of H.E the President should ensure that they participate in this exercise together with all committee members.
  3. You are to request the District/Magistrate Court within your Jurisdiction to assign a Judge to oversee this activity. 

The following peoples were nominated as members of the committee to serve and ensure the implementation of the objectives of the Commission; Hon. Joseph Kwasi Asuming (Esq), the District Chief Executive as the Chairman, Prince Agyemang-Duah, District Education Director as a Member, Timothy Twumasi-Mensah, District Health Director as a Member, Monica Kyerewaa, Network of Association of PLHIV as a Member, Kingsford Osei Yaw, Civil Society Organization as a Member, Rev. Ebenezer Antwi Boasiako, Christian Group as a Member, Nana Adiefe Kwakye, Kuntanase Traditional Council as a Member, Alhaji Hamidu Dawuda, Federation of Muslim as a Member and Oscar Owusu Agyemang District HIV Focal Person as the Secretary.

The DCE, Hon. Joseph Kwasi Asuming (Esq), chairman of the commission welcomed members to the meeting. He indicated the purpose of gathering and advocated the need for team work in curbing the canker of HIV/AIDS. He subsequently urged members to dedicate their time and resources for the implementation of aids of the commission and again wished members a successful meeting.

The Regional Committee Member gave a brief address. In her address, she welcomed members present and added that the UN sustainable goals aim at curbing HIV/AIDS by the 2030 which has caused members for the inauguration of the commission. She also urged members to work as a team to accomplish the sustainable goals.

Mr. James Appiah also presented on the mandate and scope of the HIV/AIDS Commission. After the presentation, he advised members to work actively in partnership to fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS. Members were then sworn-in.

The chairman in the person of Hon. Joseph Kwasi Asuming (Esq), the District Chief Executive congratulated members after swearing-in and thanked them for been present making the meeting a successful one. He again advised members to educate and advocate on the spread of HIV/AIDS in the district and anywhere they found their selves. He added that members will be meeting from time to time to derive strategies and measures in reducing the number and spread of HIV/AIDS.

For more enquiries contact the District Secretary of the Ghana AIDS Commission.