Summons were given to the Hon. Assembly Members, Member of Parliament, District Chief Executive and all Heads of Department/Unit of the Bosomtwe District Assembly to attend the General Assembly meeting of the Bosomtwe District Assembly. The meeting was organized at the Church of Pentecost, Toamfom on Friday, 15th October, 2021. The meeting started at 11:23am and ended at 4:37pm.

The District Presiding Members presided the meeting. The agenda discussed are as follows;

Opening Remarks

  • Reading and Acceptance of previous minutes
  • Matters Arising
  • Presentation and approval of Draft District Medium Term Development Plan (DMTDP 2022-2025)
  • Presentation and Discussion of Executive Committee’s Report
  • Any other matter

The District Chief Executive, Hon. Joseph Kwasi Asuming, (Esq) once again took the opportunity to express his gratitude to Assembly Members for voting to confirm him as the District Chief Executive. The Presiding Members also thanked members present for attending the meeting in spite of their busy schedules.

contact the District Registry for more details.