On 25th April, 2022, the Bosomtwe District Assembly conducted a town hall meeting to engage Jachie community members on the 2023 Fee Fixing of the Assembly as part of measures to ensure participation of the citizenry in the process of governance and in pursuance of the Local Government Act, 2016 (Act 936). The town hall meeting was held at Jachie Area Council in Jachie Pentecost Church.
The District Chief Executive took the opportunity to take participant through the obligation of the various fees, rates and licenses for the year 2023. And urged them to pay all their rates for the socio-economic growth of the Assembly
The District Chief Executive, District Coordinating Director, District Budget Analyst and Assisstants, District Information Officer, all various Heads of Department and Unit, Nananom, Assembly Members and Unit Committee, Area Council Heads and various stakeholders raced the meeting with their presence making it a successful one.