The Bosomtwe District Assembly was established on (1st) November 2007, by LI 1922. It was carved out of the then Bosomtwe Atwima Kwanwoma District (now Bosomtwe and Atwima Kwanwoma). It is one of the (43) districts in the Ashanti Region, with Kuntanase as the District capital.
The Lake Bosomtwe Biosphere reserve is the single most important tourist attraction in the Bosomtwe District. The lake is mostly patronized by holiday makers on festive occasions. However, infrastructural development has not been well coordinated and presently below standards. Some of the potential investments that can be undertaken within the Lake and surrounding landforms is outlined below:
- Development of Zip Line from Kokoado to the Lake Bosomtwe
- Provision of Cable Car from Kokoado to the Lake Bosomtwe
- Development of a Canopy Walkway
- Provision of Modern Canoe and Boat
- Completion of the 42 Bedroom Hotel at Kokoado under public-private partnership
- Provision of Hiking Route to link all communities surrounding the lake