NCCE is one of the Independent Governance Institutions provided for by the 1992 Constitution and created by an Act of Parliament. The Constitution makes civic education an important strategy for creating an awareness of the main values of democratic governance instilling the spirit of patriotism and enhancing citizens’ participation in governance. This content includes; vision, mission, mandate function and the core values of the commission.
The Commission exist to be an effective independent governance institution delivering civic education to all Ghanaians and working towards sustaining Ghana’s democracy.
The Commission’s mandate is set up under Article 231 of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana to promote and sustain democracy and to inculcate in the Ghanaian citizenry, the awareness of their rights and responsibilities through civic education.
Both Article 233 of the constitution and section 2 of Article 452 of 1993 mandate the Commission to perform the following functions:
- to create and sustain within the society the awareness of the principles and objectives of this Constitution as the fundamental law of the people of Ghana;
- to educate and encourage the public to defend this Constitution at all times, against all forms of abuse and violation;
- to formulate for the consideration of Government, from time to time, programmes at the national, regional and district levels aimed at realizing the objectives of this Constitution;
- to formulate, implement and oversee programmes intended to inculcate in the citizens of Ghana awareness of their civic responsibilities and an appreciation of their rights and obligations as free people;
- such other functions as Parliament may prescribe.
Integrity. Presence. Independence
The Commission undertakes to ensure that its actions and the behavior of staff are governed by the principles of:
- Integrity: the Commission apply integrity in all it dealings. This means being free and fair, open, transparent, accountable and non-partisan in the Commission’s interaction with the public to engender trust and confidence in the commission
- Presence: The Commission is physically present in all administrative regions and district of the country as this also connotes, our impact, reach and visibility of our activities
- Independence: The Commission is independent in the performance of it work or activities and shall not be subject to the direction or controls of any person or authority contrary to Article 234 of the Constitution and Section D of Act 452.
Commission’s Flagship Programs
The Commission uses the following under listed flagship programmes to educate and sensitize the Ghanaians in communities and schools as well as other stakeholders across the country. These include:
- Constitution Week Celebration: The Annual Constitution Week was instituted in 2001 to commemorate the country’s return to Constitutional Democratic Rule. Significantly, April 28, 1992, was the day the Ghanaian electorate voted favorably in a referendum that adopted the draft Fourth Republican Constitution which subsequently came into full force on 7th January, 1993. The Week, since 2001, has been celebrated from April to May.
- Citizenship Week Celebration: The CWC which commences which commences from 26th May to 2nd June each year, targets basic school pupils across the country to mentor and empower them as change agents responsible for building a peaceful and a clean Ghana. Citizenship Week is designed to feature eminent personalities who are considered worthy Role Models in society to interact and impart virtues of good citizenship to school pupils.
- Civic Education Club: A non-partisan and voluntary school base club with the duty to empower its members to be analytical and sharp in their relations and ability to carry out appraisal of constitutional and legal issues through effective and inclusive participation and learning.
- Constitution Gam/Quiz Competition
- Social Auditing
- Annual Democracy Lecture
- Community Durbars
- Dialogue series
- Radio Programs (Evergreen radio 87.7fm) for Bosomtwe District. Dubbed: “TIME WITH NCCE” Tuesdays from 10:00AM – 11:30AM.