This medical screening exercise was carried out to halt the series of transmissible diseases being conveyed from person to person through food-borne or related activities. This screening exercise was targeted at fighting the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Samonella typhii. Hepatitis B, which is caused by fasciola gigantica spp. and fasciola hepatica spp., can be passed on when one comes into contact with the sweat of an infected person, among others.

The Environmental Health Officers of the Bosomtwe District Assembly conducted the health education for the general public, especially for the food vendors. The various area council heads in the District made sure that their individual communities were well informed on the upcoming exercise. All these health sensitization and education exercises were done to ensure that public health safety is certified for people to live in good health.

A total of four hundred and sixty-seven (467) food and water vendors/handlers were screened with nine (9) vendors testing positive for hepatitis B infection representing 2% casualties.